Run - 1899 - 25 February 2024

Date: February 25 th , 2024

Hares: Aguasex and Shagadelic

Run Number: 1899

Location: Somewhere near Mijas Jardin

Number of Hashers: About 24

Virgins: No

Visitors: Some from Scandinavia

Run Score: 9.3

Anniversaries: Up Yer Bum 800 / Chronic Constipation 505 or 555 / Dogface 50. And



The pack was somewhat depleted due to that other thing going on down in Tarifa but

visitors from some frozen land up in the Arctic circle meant we still had a pack of over

twenty. We set off down the road only to be confronted by a checkback after a couple of

hundred meters. True trail was soon found along a path which led us to one split and

shortly after to another split. The hares had warned us that there was no set number of

marks on a false trail. “Just keep going until you come to a false” they had told us.

Running for quite a long time after the split I assumed I was on trail. But no. There in

front of me was a big F. Running back I counted no less than 23 marks. 23 and you’re on

is a bit much even by Mijas standards. And this was to be a feature of this hash. From an

unmarked check a little bit further along there were 16 marks followed by an F. The hares

had told us to mark the checks but as you never know if you’re on, even after twenty plus

marks, the checks were pretty much unmarked.

There were other features to the marking. Presumably the hares were so busy admiring

the scenery that they forgot to put flour down resulting in long gaps in the trail. Turns on

the trail were often unmarked and this, combined with the gaps, meant we had to go quite

a way before we guessed we were no longer on trail. And then a couple of times there

were two blobs of flour not far apart indicating the direction we should go in only for us

to find no more flour. Instead the trail went in a different direction. I think the distance I

ran on false trails and non-trails was longer than the actual trail.

But despite the unusual marking it was an excellent trail, which resulted in a score of 9.3.

Not knowing that particular neck of the woods I couldn’t tell you where it went but it was

partly urban. It was short, almost the entire trail was runnable and there was general

agreement that this made a welcome change to some of the ballbreakers we’ve had of

late. There was a beer stop and a cava and cake stop. Somewhere before the cava stop

Pearl Necklace managed to get herself lost. It was one of those times that the trail turned

but wasn´t marked. Lilo Lil and I did the sensible thing and went back to look for the

trail. Pearl Necklace decided to carry on regardless. She ended up somewhere on private

property and had to climb a couple of fences. I sent her a dropped pin and she eventually

arrived from the opposite direction.

The dreaded block of ice made an unwelcome return to the circle. Amongst others our

hares, Aguasex and Shagadelic, took their turn on it as did Eggshell Blond for wearing

new shoes and Dog’s Bollocks for turning 96. There were a number of anniversaries but

as I was given no notes I don’t remember all of them. Up Yer Bum was on 800, Chronic

Constipation was 505 or 555 and I racked up 50. The on on was at Palace of India,

always a good choice for dinner.

On On



Run - 1900 - 3 March 2024


Run - 1898 - 18 February Chinese New Year Run