Run - 1906 - 14 April 2024

Run Number 1906

Date 14th April 2024

Location El Higeron.

Hares : Speed bumps, Shagadelic and Aqua Sex

Visitors: Nil

Returner. Zulu, Sir Flakey and Stifffanny, Chickenen George.

Pack size: 36

Anniversarios: Aqua Sex 225, Gang Bang 445, Kinder 745, Mummies Boy 825.

Run Score 9.3

My last scribe was just before boarding a ferry to Morocco! Now we are back after 2 months in

Marocco and fantastic to see all the old Hash friends.

We were very happy to be back on the Mijas H3 and a familiar area towards El Higeron, as it turned

out the Hares did an amazing job a reccing the run as it covered a huge area even getting to the

lower part of Mijas Pueblo.

Stand in GM Kinder lead proceedings, and with no visitors the Hares explained the run markings, all

quite normal till, with long and short trails, they then explained they were adding “Fish hooks” were

the front runners go back along the trail by 5 hashers!!! It has been done before with “Golden

Cascade” introducing it!! What a load of Bollox, but we will have to see the outcome (read later).

Hash group photo done! On On, called, the pack headed off into the Mijas mountain

It started off downhill on a well-marked trail, we came to checks but they had been broken by the

front runners, “Bloody Pinocchio” and Queen of Trails” it was a very pleasant stroll, passing over

various old hash trails that we have covered over the years, the trail was well set with plenty of flour,

the Hares pointed out they had used 14 bags of flour to set the run!!

It was a fantastic trail up into the Mijas mountains, and the weather was perfect, the trail had plenty

of arrows, splits and checks, they even mentioned there was false trails with “F” on them well done.

We came to a M and W split, I obviously took the macho trail and was joined by “Chicken George”

we discussed all his ailments, Piles, incontinence, flatulence to mention a few, it was a pleasure to

catch up with “Cordless Shaver” and have a normal conversation, we must have been really far back

as “Gang Bang” came in sight, but a least the conversation was more interesting, we eventually

caught up with the whole pack, which were walking around a huge roundabout “Which way do we

go” no flour!!! Bloody Pinocchio” and queen of Trails headed off in one direction, when a big station

wagon approached with “Speed bumps” leaning out of the window, “Up the hill to the beer stop” ok

on up the road, with no flour in sight! But within a few minutes the Beer wagon came in view!!


I think we were at the beer stop longer than we had been on the run, On On was eventually called

and we headed in what appeared to be the opposite way to home! But it was a fantastic second half,

If I had been down this trail it must have been years ago, it was a great trail back to the cars, we had

one injury on the run “Big Brother” had taken a tumble and needed to be taken to the Hospital (we

hope all is well). All the unusual front runners “Rub her Turd” and “Bad Weasel” were up leading the

pack with BP and QT even further up front.

The last section I managed to catch up with “Zulu” and had a pleasurable chat on life, what a great

day out on a fantastic trail, even “Pisster Bradwee” was and enjoying the stroll the occasional jog

when coming to a downhill section.

Back at the circle the stand in GM “Kinder” go the circle going, first in was the Hares, ALL 3 of them.

The verdict around the circle was “Great Run” well done, even if they had managed to book TWO on

on venues!!! Poor old “Bobby” at the Palace Of India was expecting them, but “Speed Bumps”

advised it was at a “Spanish” restaurant in Las Lagunas, and a fantastic On On it turned out to be.

Cardinal Colonic, then cleansed the pack, and had 3 stools with ICE on to cool off the sinners. Poor

old “Genie in the Bottle” had more than his fair share of drinks! The Hares were in and out of the

circle every 5 minutes, there final Down Down was for their “Fish hooks” on the trail, and as

expected, “Load of Bollox” no one did it !! stick with TRADITION!!

The GM closed the circle with next week’s run, when we have the visitors from the UK over, it should

be a lot of fun.

Well done Hares, great run, and a tasty food at the on on venue.

On On forever Sir Flakey.


Run - 1907 – 21 April 2024


Run - 1905 - 7 April 2024 The “RAGM5” run!